Have you ever noticed that some of your favorite baked goods like croissants and butter biscuits or even pastries are getting more expensive? Butter with high quality, many people are looking for it, so the search for  wijsman butter price Jakarta is also high.

Food products that use good quality butter of course can make the product much softer taste when chewed. These high prices are less surprising when we consider that globally, the price of butter has increased by about 60% over the past year.

wijsman butter price Jakarta

In Australia, which is one of Indonesia’s neighbours, just as dairy producers continue to express concern about the diminishing farm-gate prices of milk offered by cooperatives and milk processors, butter prices have hit record highs on international commodity markets.

Although the price of butter has more than doubled in recent years, starting in July 2016, the price of milk at the farm level in most production areas has remained stable. Is there a paradox? Not really. The main ingredient needed by butter producers is not only milk, but milk fat.

Why Butter Is Needed and Wijsman Butter Price Jakarta

What is driving the spike in the price of butter?

Despite relatively stable levels of milk production, butter production has fallen in several major producing countries since late 2016. In the European Union, butter production for the first 6 months of 2017 was around 5.5% lower than the same period in 2016.

In Australia, butter production fell 18% between 2016 and 2017. The reasons for Australia’s lower levels of butter production are complex. First, the lower than usual milk fat content and the shift of milk fat solids towards processing higher value added dairy products such as cheese and cream, to meet the increasing demand from Asian markets including Indonesia which is a large shareholder and the United States of America. .

Dairy products compete for the fat content of milk.

The percentage level of milk fat and fat composition in cows is controlled by various genetic and nutritional factors. In Australia, a poor grazing season since 2016 limits the quality of pasture nutrients available to dairy cattle.

Similarly in the European Union, the number of young females in the herd is higher and the use of lower energy-rich feeds leads to lower milk fat content. Despite the record price of butter, producers know that the best financial returns are obtained when turning milk into value-added products such as cheese or cream.

Cheese production, either in Europe or in Australia, has been driven by strong export markets to Asia and the United States, as well as increasing domestic demand. A similar trend has been observed for creams. The interesting thing to note here is that the production of butter requires more milk than the production of cheese, but cheese has traditionally been priced higher than butter.

The Quota of Dairy Products and Wijsman Butter Price Jakarta

The impact of dairy product quotas from the European Union.

The lifting of EU dairy quotas in 2015 combined with a ban on EU food imports from Russia has partly contributed to this development. The liberalization of the EU dairy market lowers prices at the farm level and causes farmers across Europe to reduce production with the help of subsidy schemes.

In some cases the main producers under milk contracts are unlikely to reduce the number of livestock but for them, the affordability of quality supplementary feed has become a problem. In addition, the expiration of milk quotas brings volatility to the dairy sector in the EU and leaves member states without intervention stocks (shares held by national intervention bodies in the EU) to regulate market prices.

The limited availability of exports in major dairy producing countries has led to significant price spikes, although prices on commodity markets vary by region. For example, in the European Union, the latest market price for a tonne of butter is A$9,318, in the Oceania region a tonne of butter costs A$7,548 while in the United States it costs A$6,589. Recently, the strong euro has made European commodities very expensive. Just as currency exchange rates partially explain the price differences seen on world markets, they have also created competitive tensions among exporting countries.

How to save money on butter.

Since it doesn’t look like the price of butter isn’t going down anytime soon, it’s good to have a few ways to save a little money for butter. When you buy half or quarter sticks of butter, the butter uses more packaging and in turn may cost more. Eventually you’ll want to buy bigger block butters and buy them in bulk.

Salted butter is also slightly cheaper than unsalted butter. If you make your own butter, you can save quite a bit of money. The process is not very difficult, but will take a lot of time. If you happen to be short on time, buy some butter.

Another way to save money on butter is to buy generic brands of butter instead of branded one. You’ll usually find that the ingredients will be very similar, and that’s important. Check the packaging to make sure you’re getting essentially the same product for a lot less. Don’t forget, you should note that butter is different from margarine. Butter must contain 100% cow’s milk content, without any mixture of vegetable fat because it means oil.

Another very simple way to save money on butter is to use less butter. Look for recipes that call for less butter. These recipes will end up costing you a bit less, but they will also be healthier for you.

Is it worth the expensive butter?

As we mentioned when we discussed how to save money on butter, generic brand butter can be a bit cheaper than expensive butter. If you’re making a specialty dish or you’re just hesitant to switch to a generic brand, it’s a good idea to find out if this type of butter is worth it.

There are useful tips to understand about butter.

According to United States Law, all butter must have at least 80% butterfat. It’s important to make sure, if someone advertises a product like butter, that it really is butter. Some very expensive butters cost a little more, and cost close to 85 or 87% butterfat. Using higher fat butter butter is great for cooking and food preparation, but definitely not very healthy. Depending on the type of dish you are preparing, choose the butter that fits your needs as well as your budget. You may find that you need less higher fat butter to achieve the same results when it comes to certain cooking and baking recipes.


Hopefully by now you have a better understanding of why wijsman butter price Jakarta is so expensive. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do to help control the price of butter. If you really want to get butter for a better price, you may need to start your own dairy farm. Meanwhile, the best strategy is to buy butter in bulk and freeze it when you need it for a recipe. Holidays and baking recipes are times when people need butter the most. These are tips on how to save on the use of butter, but it should be noted that when you want to buy butter, you should use butter that contains 100% cow’s milk. Wisjman butter is one of the most sought after butters because of its original content of cow’s milk fat, so wijsman butter price Jakarta is one of the most sought after. If wijsman butter is your choice because of its quality, one of the export quality brands, namely De Grunteman from Jakarta Indonesia , can be your choice too.

Why Butter Is Expensive And  Wijsman Butter Price Jakarta